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Career & Personal Brand

Crafting your executive personal brand is about revealing and harnessing your unique blend of vision, purpose, strengths, and values to set you apart in the business world. Our process begins with a deep dive into understanding your vision and the purpose that drives you. We rigorously align these insights with your inherent strengths and core values, ensuring that your personal brand resonates realistically and genuinely with who you are and what you stand for. From here, we collaboratively build a strategic roadmap to articulate and publish your narrative, positioning you as a leader in your field and a visionary voice that commands attention and respect. This thoughtful, tailored approach ensures that your executive personal brand is seen, felt, remembered, and valued, paving the way for unparalleled professional growth and opportunities.

Self Awareness Profiling

Unlocking the Power of Self with the iEQ9 Integrative Enneagram: As you journey into the world of career coaching, the deep insights of the Enneagram elevate your awareness of self and others to new heights. The iEQ9 Integrative Enneagram delves into your conscious and subconscious motivations, highlighting both your strengths and areas for growth. By combining this with career coaching, you not only gain clarity on your work behaviours but also uncover the motivations driving them. This enriched perspective carves out strategies tailored just for you, sparking sustainable professional growth and profound self-awareness. When you see yourself through the Enneagram's lens, every piece of advice, every strategy, every feedback transforms into a powerful tool for your growth.

Team Coaching

Empower Your Team's True Potential: Team coaching is a strategic investment designed to harness your group's collective strength. Through customised sessions, teams develop improved communication, heightened collaboration, and a unified vision. The result? Tangible improvements in performance, efficiency, and morale. The return on investment is clear: a cohesive, driven team poised to outperform and exceed organizational goals.

Peer Group Mentoring

Unlock Collective Growth with Peer Group Mentoring: Peer group mentoring is more than just collaboration; it's the key to accelerated personal and professional development. By sharing insights, experiences, and challenges, peers foster a unique environment of mutual growth and support. My role, from setting up your peer mentoring group to facilitating impactful sessions, ensures that every meeting is maximized for value. The outcome? Enhanced skills, broadened perspectives, and a tangible return on investment as participants harness the collective wisdom of their peers to drive forward in their careers.

The Leader in You

As a very experienced executive coach specialising in leadership development and style, I offer a transformative coaching experience that integrates innovative psychological tools with personalised strategies to enhance your leadership prowess. My approach is deeply rooted in understanding the unique psychological blueprint of each leader, employing not just the renowned iEQ9 Enneagram but also principles of Inspirational Leadership, Resilience Training, and Psychological Safety Awareness. These methodologies provide comprehensive insights into your leadership style, motivations, behaviours, and the dynamic interplay of your work environment. By embracing this holistic approach, I equip you with the skills to not only navigate your own leadership journey with confidence but also to foster an organisational culture that thrives on empowerment, collaboration, and innovation. This self-discovery and skill enhancement process is designed to transform you into an inspirational leader who creates a psychologically safe workspace where teams feel valued and motivated to achieve their highest potential. My commitment is to guide you toward becoming an exemplary figure in innovative leadership, poised to inspire and propel your team toward unparalleled success.

Workshops  & Webinars

Crafting Workshops that Drive Results: Workshop design and facilitation is an art and a science, and it's at the heart of transformative organisational change. From identifying Purpose, Value, and Direction, to delving into the intricacies of Team DNA, Resilience, and Adaptability – every workshop is meticulously crafted for impact. My expertise extends to uniting the diversity of thought, seamlessly integrating hybrid teams, and fostering motivation amidst change. With a keen eye on the pulse of today's dynamic work landscape, each session is engineered for tangible outcomes. The return on investment? Empowered teams, agile leadership, and an organisation poised to not just navigate, but thrive in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Strategic Messaging

Harness the power of on-point messaging and podcasting to solidify and unite your company culture. With experience in running two diverse podcast channels—one for insightful interviews and another captivating audiences with audio dramas—I bring a unique blend of storytelling and engagement. By leveraging these platforms, we create resonant messages that foster alignment, boost morale, and enhance brand identity. The investment transcends mere content; it's about forging deeper connections, fostering a unified company spirit, and yielding a tangible ROI as teams become more engaged and brand loyalty strengthens.

Company Podcast Production

IAmplify Your Brand's Voice with Company Podcasts: Dive into the dynamic world of podcasting to elevate your brand presence and foster deeper connections. Whether integrating into existing digital platforms or crafting a fresh podcast series from scratch, I provide end-to-end support. From designing branded logos that resonate with your ethos, formulating compelling interview questions, to hosting the podcast itself—every detail is meticulously curated. The result? A seamless auditory experience that amplifies your brand's message, engages your target audience, and offers a tangible ROI as your brand's visibility and engagement soar.

Stretch Coach

"Choosing the right option is not about finding the perfect solution, but finding the best fit for your goals and priorities"
 - Simon Sinek

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